Which 80s Hairstyle Would You Like To See Make A Comeback?

What’s out of style one day always comes back into style eventually. From clothes and shoes to jewelry and even home furnishings. Even hairstyles make a comeback.

Every hairstyle except those worn in the 1980s.

The 1980s had some of the worst hairstyles in the history of combing hair. From bangs touching the ceiling to mullets hitting the floor, the popular hairstyles of the “Me Decade” are incredibly hard to look at even thirty years later.

Since fashion and style are cyclical, one of these 1980s hairstyles will eventually be back in vogue. Which 80s Hairstyle Would You Like To See Make A Comeback?

The Mullet

Mullet and High

Bangs To The Sky


The Rat Tail

Aug 18 2012 049

Feathered Perfection

Feathered Perfection

New Wave


The Hi-Top


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Author: Chris

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