Kids Participate in 80s Dance-A-Thon to Raise Money for Charity


This is living proof that the 80’s are still alive today. If you think no good can come from parachute pants and excessive amounts of scrunchies you are dead wrong. A new report features children at the Rockford Health System Children’s Learning Center, partying at their very own 80s Dance-A-Thon to raise money for a really good cause.

“The 4th Annual Dance-A-Thon put on by RMH raises money for next month’s March of Dimes and March for Babies walk,” according to WIFR.

“The children that go to the daycare have been collecting donations. They hope to raise $1,800.”

The recently published article states that the children are still $400 shy of their $1,800 goal but that may have changed. There are plenty of noteworthy outfits in this one mainly the little guy dressed up as Mr. T.

“A lot of children who attend here a lot of them have been in the NICU or they were preemie babies and so we like to recognize that and give back,” says Sarah Renicker with the Children’s Learning Center according to the report. 

“It’s a chance for us to let our little ones that there are even littler ones that we can be taking care of too.”

You have to get the feeling that these kids have no idea why they are dressed up in silly outfits, however, they really are just in it to try and help the March of Dimes and March for Babies. Hopefully the video below provides you with a whole lot of joy and plenty respect for these kids.

Watch Kids Participate in the 80s Dance-A-Thon

Author: Navi

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