80s One-Hit Wonder Wednesday

Every day is a good day for a collection of one-hit wonders, but alliteration dictates that One-Hit Wonder Wednesday needs to become a thing. And so it is.

One-Hit Wonder Wednesday


One-Hit Wonder Wednesday kicks off with three one-hit wonders, all from 30 years ago. Did any of these hits inspire you to buy the full album (err, tape) or did you just absorb this trio of songs on the radio?

(Our one one-hit wonder rule: The song must be the artist’s only top 40 hit. If you have two songs in the top 40, you are not a one-hit wonder)

Regina, “Baby Love”

Wikipedia confirms what we all knew in 1986: This song was meant for Madonna. Her longtime collaborator Stephen Bray wrote it, but the Material Girl passed, which opened the door for Brooklyn-born Madonna soundalike Regina to record her one hit, which peaked at no. 10.

Timex Social Club, “Rumors”

The only hit by Timex Social Club (it peaked at no. 8) was the perfect song for the drama of junior high and high school. This eminently cool song and video is also guaranteed to stick in your head the rest of the week. You’re welcome.

Sly Fox, “Let’s Go All The Way”

Since we were teenagers and prone to fits of giggling immaturity, we all figured Sly Fox’s hit, which peaked at no. 7, was about getting lucky. Who knew these guys were forecasting the 2016 election? “Presidential party. No one wants to dance.”

Author: Jerry

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