80s TV Quiz: How Much Do You Really Know?

80s TV, in two words, wholesome and naughty. So many of the best shows from the 80s balance on this fine line of virtues. The wholesome side boasting strong family ties, good friendships and a moral to every episode. And the naughty: shows with more skin than ever, funny but failing parenting and sass for days.

Here are some of the best:

Full House counters other shows of the time as one of the sweetest and most wholesome yet. Three guys coming together to help80s TV raise three girls leading to more hugs and love by the episode.

The Wonder Years ranks right up there with the purity of the era. Though Kevin’s dad is a little aloof the family dynamic is overall loving and authentically simple.  The lessons learned on this show are the stuff of life and the innocence depicted made for awe-inspiring moments.

80s TVShows like Baywatch were a taste of the naughty with skin, sun and the shimmer of the water in this ocean side series. Some would argue that the show had little to no story line while others liked the helpful and mostly tame beach atmosphere that boasted life lessons along the way.

You want more naughty than nice? Married…With Children is it. This show is about a typical suburban family, if your definition of typical includes a Mom, Dad and their two kids. Imagine now this family but with terrible behaviors and even worse words and you have the Bundys. Bashing each other was the norm in this comedic show but no one can deny it’s everyday humor.

Think you know all about 80s TV? Test your skill with this quiz:


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Author: Emily Rokke

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