Quiz: ET, How Well Do You Remember It?

ET is one the the 80s greats and still adored by fans 30+ years later. Here are some of the best quotes from this awesome flick:


Of course, “E.T. Phone Home,” is the most iconic line of this film by far. ET himself says it (and people aloud as well) several times throughout the movie.

“I’ve never driven forward before.” When the boys are rushing to get out of the house and Mike is driving the van, he says this because typically his mom will let him back the car out of the driveway for practice. However, as he states, he has literally never had to drive straight before.

“Pushy, pushy,” Gertie says to Michael as he pushes her out of the way. Said from little sister to big brother. Her tone is so serious and yet you cant help but smile. Realistically though, everything that Gertie says in this movie comes off super cute and innocent.

“Everything but the little fishes.” Second best line of the movie? Could be so. Because no one really wants anchovies on their pizza and especially not teenage boys.

“You have absolute power.” Elliot prompts Brother Mike to say this and he does so, in Yoda’s voice.  Elliot wants to be in full control of this situation because he then shows Mike ET for the first time.

“I’ll be right here.” Elliot and ET both say this to each other throughout the movie and then  point to each others hearts. This is one of many heartwarming exchanges in ET.

“This is reality, Greg.” Too funny. Elliot says to Mike’s friend that you can’t just beam ET up into the sky and back home because this is reality. This is one of the funniest quotes of the whole movie.

Do you remember all these quotes? What else do you recall from this film?

Test your memory with this ET quiz:

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Author: Emily Rokke

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