Caddyshack: Test Your Movie Knowledge

Caddyshack is the quintessential golf movie of the 80s. Al, Carl, and the judge provide constant laughter with their bickering, betting ways.

Golfers should be like Al to easily distance themselves from any (golf)  snobbery. This guy is loud, crude and mouthy but the best part is that he’s truthful! Unlike any other golfer out there, these are the mannerisms to be like Al:

  • Be loud and obnoxious. Make sure you car and horn are too.Horn
  • Dress “obnoxiously” with bright colors and bold patterns.
  • Made fun of ugly hats in the pro shop, even if someone is holding one they are about to purchase.
  • Have a ridiculously large golf bag. Al’s bag is about twice the size of typical golf bag, so large the young caddy can barely pick it up.
  • Talk loudly during another golfer’s swing with the intention to throw off another golfer’s swing
  • Have a radio and dance during golfer’s swingCaddyshack
  • Bet people that they will miss the put
  • Call restaurant food “dog food”
  • Make fun of the kids
  • Continue to be loud and laugh loudly at dinner while telling stories
  • Drive boats recklessly
  • Call the country club you are at a “dump” and a snobatorium.
  • Bet on golf

Alright, maybe this isn’t the best way to act on and around a golf course.  After all Al, was called a menace and offended more than his fair share of people. So if you’re going to do anything like Al, let it be this. Get a golf bag like Al’s.

amd-rodney-jpgBecause the coolest thing in this movie is Al’s golf bag. Al’s golf bag has a built in radio, a water faucet in case you’re thirsty, a remote control to eject your club when you’re ready for it, a phone, (with a cord) and a mini TV. Oh, and if that’s not enough for you, Al’s putter tells you when to swing.
You don’t have to be a golf fan to appreciate Caddyshack. Want a challenge? Take this quiz and see if you can get all the answers correct:






Caddyshack: Test Your Movie Knowledge

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Author: Emily Rokke

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