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Quiz: How’s Your Karate Kid Knowledge?

In The Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi focuses on technique and balance as the most important part of karate. He had a special way of teaching Daniel that made him an expert. To learn karate, according to Mr. Miyagi, follow these steps:

-Wash cars

-Wax cars

-On circular wood slats, practice right and left circles

-Practice catching a fly with chopsticks

-Paint the fence moving up and down with the brush, bending at the knees

-Left note to paint on his own

-Show me “sand the floor”  “Wax On Wax Off” “Paint the fence”

After questioning Miyagi’s methods, Daniel realizes that all of his hard work was worth it. The chores movements mimicked karate and Daniel was excitedly practiced on his walk home.

-Miyagi sends Daniel into the ocean to learn balance

-Row the boat out and drop anchor

-Stand on bow and practice balance moves and breathing

Daniel complains that he still hasn’t learned how to punch so Miyagi shoves him out of the boat. He tells him he has to learn balance first.

Daniel starts training on his own and practicing his skill. And lastly, Daniel is taught to punch.

-Punching exercise

Through chores, practice and determination, Miyagi taught Daniel more than karate, he taught him about life. As a patient and smart man, he had lots of good things to say.

Miyagi Words of Wisdom

Throughout the Miyagi tells Daniel, “Always look eye” and reminds Daniel to breathe. Each night before Daniel leaves he is told to “Come morning, start early.” His best three quotes of the movie are as follows:

Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.”

“Punch! Drive a punch! Not just arm, whole body! Hip, leg, drive a punch!”

“Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?”


Do you love this movie and know all the details? See how you do on this quiz:

Quiz: How’s Your Karate Kid Knowledge?

Where does this movie start?


In the opening scene, where are they driving to?


What kind of party does Daniel get invited to?


What sport is Daniel especially good at?


How much is lunch for Ali and Daniel at the school cafeteria?


What does Daniel wear to the Halloween party?


Where did the cars come from that Daniel has to wash?


What does Mr. Miyagi say to Daniel when he catches the fly?


What does Mr. Miyagi gift Daniel for his birthday?


How did Daniel win the match?


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