A Nostalgic Look Back At 80s Prices

Compared to now, the 80s were a simpler time, a less screen filled time, and it goes without saying, a cheaper time if you look at these 80s prices. What would you guess for the average income in 1980?80s Prices

From a new car to the cost of a dozen eggs, prices sure have changed over the years. Some may surprise you more
than you think.

Throughout the 80s, the prices steadily rose. Here are some statistics from 1980, 1983, 1986, and finally, 1989. It’s easy to see the incline through the decade and make you wish it was the 1980’s again.


Income $19,173.00
New house $68,714.00
New car $7,201.00
One dozen eggs $.50
Movie ticket $2.25
Postage stamp $.15

As a mid 80’s baby, the $.15 stamp is something I’d never have seen. And can you believe the cost of a new car?


Income $19,173.00
New house $68,714.00
New car $7,201.00
One dozen eggs $.50
Movie ticket $2.25
Postage stamp $.15


80s Prices             80s Prices


Income $22,339.00
New house $89,463.00
New car $9,281.00
One dozen eggs $.63
Movie ticket $2.75
Postage stamp $.22



Income $27,225.00
New house $68,714.00
New car $15,403.00
One dozen eggs $.78
Movie ticket $3.50
Postage stamp $.25

And now, in 2017, the prices are higher than ever before. With a median income is around $52,000 per year and a house at about three times that much, the ratios have stayed similar. Still, looking at the above charts sure is shocking in comparison to this last one.

              The Late 2010’s

Income $51,939.00
New house $188,900.00
New car $33,560.00
One dozen eggs $1.42
Movie ticket $8.65
Postage stamp $.49

Prices are higher than ever before but so is the median income. While it’s fun and interesting to look back in time at the costs of living, we might as well just accept our fate. Life is expensive and costs will only rise with time.

Author: Emily Rokke

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