GLOW Is Now On Netflix and It’s Awesomely 80s

GLOW was the 80s female wrestling show that gave us elements of the wrestling world we weren’t necessarily prepared for. Now, GLOW is back with a slightly altered mission but it does feature some incredibly awesome 80s elements.

“In Netflix’s new half-hour dramedy GLOW, Alison Brie plays an aspiring actress in early Eighties Los Angeles who, after finding herself fed up with her limited choices as a woman in show business, becomes drawn to the idea of playing a powerful character in a leotard and tights,” according to RollingStone.

“Co-starring Marc Maron as the league’s grumpy-but-ambitious creative visionary, the show quickly develops into a rich period-piece, using actual wrestling history and culture as the staging ground for stories about ladies of varying shapes, sizes, colors, and social backgrounds.”

Brie is one of the most dynamic actresses in Hollywood and is taking on a role that is far removed from those of the past. What’s very evident about this show is that it clearly pays homage to the 80s. From the outfits to the settings, this is a nostalgic mind-trip waiting to happen.

If ever there was a time you wanted to get lost in the 80s all over again, GLOW may be one of the best opportunities to do so, to date.

Hollywood continues to turn to the 80s for all of its inspiration but we won’t complain when done so in a tasteful manner. Check out GLOW on Netflix and let us know how you feel about the revamped series.

GLOW Official Trailer

Author: Navi

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