Kent State Celebrates 80s Fashion At University Museum

80s fashion never actually stayed in the 80s and in some cases it’s still alive today. Kent State for instance, has kept some of the 80s biggest fashions at their University Museum for all to see.

80s Fashion

The display is titled, “The 1980s: An Age of Excess” and was inspired from the return of some 80s styles to high-fashion runways.

“We tried to cover the things that were the most influential in the Eighties as well as the things that were likely to be of interest to people in 2017,” said Jean Druesedow according to WWD.

“What surprised me most was that the dresses look really good. My memory of the Eighties is they were not so beautiful. Either our donors have excellent taste, which I believe to be true, but also the time has come where those things are looking good again. That happens as things cycle through.”

These styles are iconic pieces that really explore the elegance of the time. The pieces reflect a life of their own and appeal to their specific uses and of course, there is the fact that some of them are quite pricey.

“The exhibition, which runs through Sept. 3, also features a wall highlighting the work of fashion illustrator Antonio Lopez as well as the AIDS epidemic and the Reagan years,” according to the report.

So, if you want to dive back into 80s fashion in a more historic manner, head over to Kent State and give it a walkthrough.


Author: Navi

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