Like Totally 80s: Life in 1982

You’ll never believe what popular “symbols” came out during this year! And speaking of, Time’s “Man of the Year,” was named ‘The Computer.’ For more fun, keep reading. Here’s what life in 1982 was like.

Like Totally 80s: Life in 1982

Popular TV:


Silver Spoons


Tales of the Gold Monkey

Police Squad!

The Powers of Matthew Star

Bring ‘Em Back Alive

Late Night with David Lettermanhqdefault

The Young Ones

Filthy Rich

Report to Murphy

The Quest

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Every one of these shows debuted in 1982. What a busy year for tv!


Popular Movies:

E.T. the Extra- TerrestrialET_Moon

Blade Runner

The Thing

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

First Blood



The Sword and the Sorcerer

The Toy



People Born in 1982:

Kirsten Dunst

Kelly ClarksonMV5BMTQ0NjgzNzcwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODExMDYxOQ@@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_

Lil’ Wayne

Seth Rogen

Anne Hathaway

Sophia Bushsophia-bush

Jamie Dornan

Jessica Biel

Prince William


How Many of us Were There?

There were more than 231 million people in the US in 1982. Worldwide, over 4.5 billion.


World Events:4057195-cdp-101.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000

In the US, the largest cash robbery occurred, and $9.8 million was stolen from an armored car.

AT&T was forced to break-up it’s monopoly in January of this year.

Italy won the World Cup in Spain.

First CD player was sold in Japan.american-elm-1a

Dutch Elm Disease kills 20 million trees in the UK.

Fun Facts:

Michael Jackson releases his album, Thriller.

Emoticons were first thought of by a computer scientist so that he could add emotion to an email.

Liposuction is first introduced.

Lowest PGA score of 63 played by Ray Floyd.

The cost of a Superbowl ad was $324,000.


Emoticons are 35 years old, now that’s hard to believe. And what’s with The Computer being named Man of the Year? Oh 1982, what would we have done without you?

Author: Emily Rokke

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