Like Totally 80s: What Life Was Like in 1985

The year was 1985, and the rest? Well, that’s history. Do you remember this year? Here’s some facts to trigger your memory.

TV Shows:5e679c8240f04370c3d456cf06326938

Growing Pains


The Golden Girlso-GOLDEN-GIRLS-570



Mr. Belvedere

Amazing StoriesMV5BOTM5N2ZmZTMtNjlmOS00YzlkLTk3YjEtNTU1ZmQ5OTdhODZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_

Misfits of Science


Back to the Futureback-to-the-future-emmett-brown

The Goonies

The Breakfast Club

Weird Science


Pale Rider


People Born in 1985:


Chrissy Teigen

Kris Humphries

Haylie Duff

Reggie Bush

Lana Del Rey5bac6df9be55bc3519d4f89267a957ea.1000x1000x1

Amanda Seyfried


In the US, there was almost 240 million people. Worldwide, the population hit almost 4.9 billion.

World Events:

In Armero Colombia, a valcantic eruption killed 25,000 people.

Wreckage from the sunken ship, the Titanic, was found and filmed by a robot underwater in July.1200px-RMS_Titanic_3

The US officially banned the selling of leaded gas.

Fun Facts:

New Coke is released by Coca-Cola. This product was so bad, the old stuff was out in less than three months.

Nintendo NES is first released in the United States in October of 1985.

The first version of Windows was released by Microsoft, Windows 1.0.

CDs came onto the market.


New Coke didn’t make it. But the Nintendo NES was a huge hit. So big, that 32 years later, it’s back.

Author: Emily Rokke

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