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What Were The Three Most Watched 80s Trailers?

For those who didn’t grow up in the 80s, sites like YouTube are there to give them a general taste of what it was like. Even those who did grow up in the decade love reflecting, especially when it comes to the 80s trailers. Yeah, 80s movies rocked!

What Were The Three Most Watched 80s Trailers?

YouTube has released some nifty little statistics after a 1-year period of tracking trailer views on its platform. The results were presented and we got to find out which 80s trailers were the most viewed in that period. This top three will not shock you.

“For the 1980s, the three most popular trailers were Ghostbusters, The Little Mermaid, and The Shining,” according to EntertainmentWeekly.

These numbers may be skewed as Ghostbusters had a reboot film released not too long ago. Our logic is that folks may have been doing some comparing and contrasting, which may have increased the view count significantly.

“Of the films in the top 10 lists for both decades, more than half of them have had recent reboots or sequels,” EntertainmentWeekly confirmed.

“For instance, Ghostbusters claimed its No. 1 spot through renewed interest via its 2016 reboot — in 2015, it averaged 70,000 views per month, which rose to 300,000 views/month with the release of last year’s movie starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones.”

It’s still interesting that a happy movie like The Little Mermaid is up there with a horror/triller like The Shining in most views. But, you may argue that Ursula was pretty terrifying in The Little Mermaid.

What 80s trailers do you revisit the most on YouTube? If you’ve never tried it, which ones would you want to view? Let us know in the comments section below.