The U.K. Keeps Bringing The 80s Back To Life

If you haven’t noticed by now, the U.K. has a pretty loyal fanbase when it comes to everything 80s. They continue to bring the 80s back. That is especially true for the music of the decade. It serves as one of the best reminders that the 80s will never be forgotten.

The U.K. Keeps Bringing The 80s Back To Life

Just recently the 80s and 90s were combined for a festival that we would love to see make its way over to the U.S. Which is essentially one way of drawing a larger crowd to see how music progressed.

“Those behind James Dean Events should give themselves a big slap on the back for making the Back to the 80s and 90s Festival one of the most successful events of this year’s musical calendar – well for me, anyway!” wrote Helen Kreft of BurtonMail.

“There was also lots to cater for the 1980s music lovers in the crowd. T’Pau got us all in the karaoke mood, while Dr and The Medics made us feel we had stepped into The O2 arena.”

There was a great deal of 90s mixed in but crossing generations may be a cool way to bring two generations together. Think of it this way, there are acts that you may want to see and then there are a couple that your kids would love to see. It’s nostalgia for both and a great experience to share in a cool setting.

Add a couple of these stateside and it could be a really big hit. So what do you all think, would you be willing to see a double decade festival where you can hear your favorite songs and your kids can hear theirs as well? Let us know in the comments section below.

Author: Navi

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