The Ultimate Planes, Trains and Automobiles Quiz

This movie turns 30 this year, can you believe it? Planes, Trains and Automobiles is my all time favorite holiday movie. Filled with laughs, and love, this movie reminds us what the holidays (and life) are all about, and that’s loving people. But oh the travel woes of Neal. Take a look back at all he endured:

The Ultimate Planes, Trains and Automobiles Quiz Below

He leaves his job and is almost run over
Pays $75 ($163.87 today!) for a cab that is promptly stolen from himimages (4)
When he’s at the airport, he sits across from the guy who stole his cab
Del and Neal meet
His plane ticket is wrong so he has to sit in coach
Sits next to the Del
Has to land in Kansas because of the snowstorm in Chicago
No hotel rooms available so he goes with Del to a hotel for a room
There’s only one room with one bed
His shower stops working and then restarts, scalding hot
Del left him with no towels
Del cleared his throat, cracked his body, and moved constantly while laying in bed.smell3
They got in a verbal fight
Del left the bathroom disgusting and dirty
Someone breaks in and steals all their money while they sleep
They have to ride in the back of a pickup truck, in the winter
Their train breaks down
They have to travel by bus
Neal misses his daughter’s Thanksgiving program
Neal rents a car that’s not there
Neal walks across the airport runway and falls down the snowy highway underpassimages (3)
Neal tries to take a cab but he smarts off to the guy and the guy punches him
Del almost runs Neal over with the car that Del rented for himself
Del and Neal are together again
Del accidently turns around and is driving the wrong way on the highway
Del drives between two semis
The car starts on fire and Neals wallet is in it
Neal tells Del to get his own room but then invites him in and they enjoy drinks and snacksrs-planes-trains-and-automobiles02-a00a9c07-497f-4e16-9d0f-621328b78098
They crash the car into the hotel and drive away
They get pulled over and the car is impounded because it’s so unsafe
They hitchhike on a semi, in the freezer section, in the back
Finally back in Chicago, they separate at the train station
Neal realizes something is wrong and brings Del home to his family for the holidays (and to stay with them)


This movie is a classic and has such heart. If you’ve never seen it before, watch it this year, and celebrate it turning 30. If you have seen it (so.many.times.) take the Ultimate quiz and see how you do!

The Ultimate Planes, Trains and Automobiles Quiz

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Author: Emily Rokke

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