80s Ellen DeGeneres Makes A Comeback Courtesy of Julie Bowen

While present day Ellen DeGeneres is parading around as a member of the Kardashian family for Halloween, Modern Family star Julie Bowen is going around as 80s Ellen DeGeneres. It really doesn’t get much better than this outfit and we’re really kicking ourselves for not thinking about it first.

“Bowen rocked a specific look from days of DeGeneres past: her wardrobe for her first appearance on The Johnny Carson Show in 1986,” according to EW.

“She also rehearsed a brief standup bit in the mirror ‘and then backwards in the mirror’ for the audience that began, ‘I’ve been keeping in shape, you know. You have to. I’m getting older, 27. People say, ‘You don’t look 27, you look about 23.’ I guess I’m lucky it runs in the family. I got a grandmother who’s 97, she looks about 93.'”

The entire bit was spot on but it was pretty nerve-racking for Bowen as she admitted. She joked that DeGeneres was on the real Johnny Carson show and she couldn’t imagine how it felt because she was on a fake version and felt like throwing up.

We think it’s safe to say that Bowen really rocked the heck out of that mullet so her Halloween outfit was a big success. For more from Bowen’s 80s Ellen DeGeneres costume, check out The Ellen Show video below.

80s Ellen DeGeneres Makes A Comeback Courtesy of Julie Bowen

Author: Navi

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