80s Tight Jeans are Not A Hit with Stranger Things Star

The 80s are filled with a ton of loose fitting clothes. The only problem was either they were hammer pants or over-sized sweaters. Unfortunately most of the jeans and pants from the 80s were pretty form-fitting. So in today’s age of baggier options, it’s no surprise that Stranger Things star Joe Keery wasn’t all that thrilled with the 80s tight jeans.

“Not only did Keery get into shape because he was told the character of Steve was a swimmer — only to have that detail cut — but he also didn’t care for the ’80s fashion he had to sport. Specifically the tight jeans,” according to Mashable.

“You’re having to duck and you’re running around,” he explains, “but you’re trapped.”
We can definitely relate to some of Keery’s thoughts on the form-fitting bottoms. That being said, it was the style back then and the present times aren’t without tight jeans either. In fact, they may have gotten even tighter with the introduction of “skinny jeans” for men. Of course, there are a wider variety of fits than there were in the 80s.
Judging from the huge success of Stranger Things 2, it’s hard to believe that 80s tight jeans would be the deal breaker for Keery in the next season. We are however, curious to know if you all preferred those higher fitting jeans or opted for a more loose-fitting option. Let us know in the comments section below.

80s Tight Jeans are Not A Hit with Stranger Things Star

Author: Navi

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