This Kid is the Embodiment of All 80s Gamers

When it comes to 80s gamers, this kid may have to go down in history as a legend. Not because of his ability to play video games, but because he expressed the joy that we all felt when we first set our eyes on a Nintendo NES.

“Steve is surprised by his parents with a new Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. His brother, Kyle, could not be less interested in it,” raid the caption of the video posted to the Crying Nintendo Kid YouTube Channel.

Steve was utterly shocked and taken back by receiving the gift. He even began to shed tears of appreciation and joy. The passion for this gaming system and his satisfaction are easily relatable and felt in this video.

“And to help fuel the waves of nostalgia you’re already feeling, everything about this video screams 1980s,” commented CNET, who also featured the video on their page.

“You get to see the dated decor of the living room and kitchen, the young boy’s striped Izod shirt (note the alligator!) and a beer stein collection on the mantle.”

So much nostalgia packed into one video this holiday season is truly getting us into the holiday spirit. If you haven’t already seen the video below, watch Steve receive his first Nintendo NES. Let us know what your reaction to the best Christmas present you ever received was.

This Kid is the Embodiment of All 80s Gamers

Author: Navi

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