The Breakfast Club Hits Blu-ray This Week

We never ever grow tired of reporting anything that has to do with The Breakfast Club. In case none of you out there already own the film on another platform, it is hitting Blu-ray this week. To celebrate the moment, an incredible piece was penned by the Los Angeles Times, dissecting and sharing the wonders it holds.

The Breakfast Club Hits Blu-ray This Week

“‘Clueless,’ ‘Dazed and Confused,’ ‘Election,’ ‘Metropolitan’ and ‘Rushmore’ are all more aesthetically distinctive and sociologically precise teen movies, but ‘The Breakfast Club’ comes by its iconic status honestly. It’s the most significant teen movie that feels like it was made by a teenager,” said Akiva Gottlieb in her piece.

“‘The Breakfast Club’ sidestepped all the clichés of the teensploitation movie — no homecoming dance, no keg party, no nudity, no football game. Sandwiched between Hughes’ equally beloved directorial efforts ‘Sixteen Candles’ and ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,’ ‘The Breakfast Club’ presented as something weightier: a sincere group-therapy drama, with delinquents turned into soul-searchers by virtue of their daylong confinement and a dearth of distractions.”

This couldn’t be a more accurate description of one of the most beloved 80s films to release. The teen angst was so strong, watching it now would invoke feelings you may have felt when you were a teen.

It’s absolutely insane to think that the film was released in 1985 and is now found on another digital platform. It just goes to show that time may go by but classics are never forgotten. To read more from Gottlieb’s piece, click here.

Author: Navi

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