Incredible Photos of 80s Las Vegas are Simply Captivating

It’s not very often that you come across some incredible images from the 80s that are so clear and pure it captures the moments so thoroughly. That is what Jay Wolke’s photos of 80s Las Vegas do for us when we take a look at them. The photos feature most of the big draws that Vegas had back in the 80s and much of which are pretty much the same in current times.

80s Las Vegas

80s Las Vegas was crowded. It was filled with people who were looking for a good time. It called out to many vices whether it was gambling or catching an adult-rated show. It was and is still a place where anyone who is madly in love with their significant other can skip extravagant weddings and get married and one of the multiple chapels.

The Guardian published a number of Wolke’s photographs with perfectly placed captions. Everything from the clothing that is worn to overall layout of Las Vegas brings us plenty of nostalgia from the decade.

“Thirty years ago, gambling in the US was limited to three destinations: Reno, Las Vegas, and Atlantic City. Jay Wolke photographed the ordinary people who played, lived and worked in the rapidly expanding cities,” according to TheGuardian.

“Wolke’s project has now become both a time capsule and an index of the contemporary – addressing themes that are as meaningful today as they were 30 years ago.”

To see these incredible photos click here.

Author: Navi

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