‘Stuck in the 80s Podcast’ Highlights Acoustic 80s Tracks

80s music is timeless, that much we know. In a recent recent episode of the Stuck in the 80s podcast, the crew discussed some acoustic versions of famous tracks from the decade.

‘Stuck in the 80s Podcast’ Highlights Acoustic 80s Tracks

“Sometimes you just have to unplug and relax. Maybe John Waite wouldn’t be missing you so much if he tried turning off his guitar amp. Or Tommy Tutone could find Jenny a little faster if he wasn’t using a microphone,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.

“In this week’s Stuck in the ’80s podcast, the gang honors three more acoustic versions of classic ’80s hits. Even Van Halen made the list for this show.”

It’s hard to find a full 80s acoustic track in all of the electronic, hairband rock and pop hits that really seems to sum up the decade for most people. However, there are a couple of covers that you may not expect, just as the teaser text from the Tampa Bay Times suggested.

We won’t ruin the podcast by posting the ones mentioned in it. Instead, we found an awesome guitarist by the name of John Miler who performs an amazing acoustic medley of some of the top tracks from the 80s.

We’re talking some tracks you probably could not think of in an acoustic rendition. Here’s a hint, one of the tracks happens to be by Phil Collins. Check out Miler’s covers below and if you want to hear which tracks were mentioned on the Stuck in the 80s podcast, click here.

John Miler’s 80s Acoustic Covers

Author: Navi

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