Like Totally 80s: All About 80s Bangs


The hair of the 80s was big and 80s bangs were big, too. Plus, the styles were practically endless. You could have stick straight up bangs, curly bangs, or flat bangs.

Anything goes for the bangs of the 80s and this look back at all the looks will show you just tha.

Barely There Bangsimage

These bangs were easy because they were your hair, just cut into a few strands and left to their own devices. Wispy and full of life, these bangs worked for anyone.

Perm Bangs79ba6f7df2624d9256bc3d371ee656d3

If you had a perm, and you had bangs, than you had perm bangs. These bangs hang down your forehead in curled tendrils and gave you that wild yet chic 80s look you’ve always wanted.

Big Bangs

Long wispy hair called for big, poofy bangs and the 80s had a lot of this look. Not only were these bangs big but they were also separated into two different, big sections. Your big bangs rested on your forehead and the top half of them were sprayed into place making you have really, really big bangs.

Tall Bangs14-80s-hair

These are like big bangs, but straighter and taller. Want to show off your face? This look will do that? Want to be several inches taller? This style will help you there, too. The 80s likes bigger and better, and this definitely goes for hair.

‘Fro Bangs80s-big-bangs-hair

Or in this case, fro hair. This hair is big, it’s fro-y and so are the bangs. Is this is like a perm job gone extra frizz? Or is this just the way her hair looks? No one knows.

It’s not the 80s anymore, but we can still see some of these looks out there. The best has got to be the biggest right? I mean, after all, we’re talking about the 80s here.


Author: Emily Rokke

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