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8-Year-Old Boy Loves the 80s

This is a kid after all of our 80s loving hearts. An 8-year-old boy has been seen singing 80s tunes in New York City’s subway stations and he officially declared his love for the 80s in a recent news report.

“Three days a week — in between 3rd grade, sports, and homework — 8-year-old Joel Euceda, with his dedicated father in tow, travels from their Freeport, Long Island home to street corners and subway stations all over the city,” according to WGNTV.

“They have a permit from the city and Euceda performs for a couple of hours each day.”

Little Joel even has the 80s hair to match many of the tracks that he sings throughout the city. His favorite band is the Steve Perry-led Journey. He performs for a couple of hours but still has time to get his homework done. His father told WGNTV that he is very supportive of whatever Joel wants to do.

“His love for the ’80s began several years ago. Dad Mauricio Martinez says when his son was being bullied, he put him in martial arts class,” according to the report.

“The anthem during training was ‘Eye of the Tiger.'”

You can hear Joel singing his 80s tunes in the video below and follow him on Instagram and YouTube at joelloves80s.

8-Year-Old Boy Loves the 80s