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‘GLOW’ Season 2 Soundtrack Features 80s Hits Galore

When Netflix announced the revival of GLOW, a series set in the 80s and based on glamorous women’s wrestling, fans were more than happy. Now, with season two, fans are bound to appreciate the series for its awesome soundtrack that features 80s hits galore.

‘GLOW’ Season 2 Soundtrack Features 80s Hits Galore

In a new piece from IndieWire, the publication discusses the soundtrack for season two of GLOW and even includes a link to the Spotify playlist filled with the tracks. This season received plenty of praise from viewers who tuned in to binge-watch the bundle of new episodes.

“A non-album Madonna track? An incredible Aretha Franklin cover? End credits songs from The Jesus and Mary Chain and Yaz to open up the season? A blink-and-miss-it appearance from ’80s punk band The F.U.’s? That’s a solid list, even before you get to the deep-ish Genesis cuts,” reports IndieWire.

“Of course, this is all before talking about the true star of ‘GLOW’ Season 2: the montages. Kicking off with the impossibly joyous Billy Joel-tracked mall sequence at the beginning, most of these songs are the main engines behind some of the most energetic sequences of 2018.”

GLOW is just another show on the long list of successful Netflix revivals and originals. It takes all of the emotions and insanity from the 80s version of the show and pulls it all together in one pretty exceptional rendition. You can catch both seasons one and two of GLOW on Netflix right now.