Top Chef Star Padma Lakshmi Joined the Hashtag InThe80sWe

If you were on Twitter over the weekend you saw a slew of tweets with the hashtag InThe80sWe and it was the ultimate throwback to the decade. It was so legendary that Top Chef star Padma Lakshmi even got in on the action with a pretty amazing photo that was so 80s it made us a bit jealous.

Top Chef Star Padma Lakshmi Joined the Hashtag InThe80sWe

“Lakshmi shared a fun black-and-white photo of herself with a group of friends — and everyone was in proper ’80s attire,” according to Today.

The photo was definitely legendary for many reasons, attire, hair and even the expressions on the young faces exuded the feel of the 80s and what it meant to be cool back then. This is certainly a crew we would want to be a part of especially with that style.

“Lakshmi wore a floor-length lacy white dress with two necklaces. It’s not clear if she was wearing the trend that Madonna made popular with her ‘Like a Virgin’ video — or if everyone was dressed up for Halloween,” according to the report.

We have to say that that was probably one of the most 80s photos we have ever seen. However, if you have one that tops it, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Author: Navi

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