North Carolina Radio Station To Host 80s-Themed Dance

Folks all over the U.S. have been finding unique ways to celebrate the 80s. Now, the WXYC radio station in North Carolina is hosting an 80s dance party to celebrate the music of the golden decade. In addition to this dance party, the radio station is even encouraging folks to come dressed the part.

North Carolina Radio Station To Host 80s-Themed Dance

“This Thursday, Nov. 29, WXYC will be hosting a 1980s themed dance at Cat’s Cradle. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the dance will go from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.,” according to TheDailyTarHeel.

The sounds of the 80s will be played throughout the night as the station invites folks to party like it’s the 80s all over again. We have seen events such as this one all year long and it shows just why the 80s is still alive today.

“There’s a lot of great music that was released in the ’80s, and I feel like it’s been kind of having a resurgence, almost, in popular culture,” said Seamus Holland, a DJ for WXYC.

“I feel like there’s a lot of different trends that are harkening back to the ’80s, and I’ve seen a lot of movies that are set in the ’80s.”

It’s easy to see that the 80s is all around us in today’s pop culture. To learn more about this dance party, click here.

Author: Navi

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