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80s Party Costume Ideas: Preppy

To capture the essence of the classic 80s preppy look, we highly recommend The Official Preppy Handbook – it is funny and scarily dead on in its descriptions of this cultural sub-set.

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For this 80s party costume, you can mix and match lots of different pieces – whatever you have on hand or can borrow. So many of the preppy-style clothes have come back (or never went out of style) and are readily available in the stores.  This idea can easily be turned into a couple’s costume by having your date go preppy as well. Here are some ideas:


Pretty in Pink offers some good examples of the high school preppy look in the “richies.” Not that you need any excuse to re-watch that fabulous movie, but if you did, there it is. It is research. Like Totally 80s has this question: how do you really spell “preppie,” or it is “preppy?” Photo at Right: Charlotte York (Kristen Davis) in her preppy clothes during a Sex & the City 80s flashback. Note her sweater tied around the shoulders, ankle socks with the pink puff ball on the back (to say nothing of how sweet her pink Tretorns are!), and the Bermuda bag. Here are some vintage pics of authentic 80s preppy to inspire you.