80s Party Costume Idea: Robert Smith, The Cure

Robert Smith of the Cure costume ideaThis is a great male costume idea. I mean, nothing’s cooler than The Cure, right? This is a particularly good costume if you are the macho type – throw them off guard, show them all your sensitive, inner-poet side. This 80s party costume is . . . Just Like Heaven.

What You Need for This Costume

The other beauty part to this costume is that it is relatively easy to pull together.

  • Hair – you got to get the hair right – we suggest this wig (and the cool thing about this wig is that is doubles as an Edward Scissorhands wig so you can milk two costumes out of this puppy)
  • Black eye makeup – liner around the eyes and black eye shadow on the lids
  • Lipstick – red, red, red
  • Clothes – black, of course – best choices are a black button down or black t-shirt
  • Look – you’ll want to give some practice to the chin down, sultry and tortured stance that our Mr. Smith has perfected.

Why can’t we be you, Robert Smith? http://youtu.be/hXCKLJGLENs

Costume Inspiration

Robert Smith Costume

Photo Credit: Julie Zickefoose

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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