80s Party Costume Idea: Cameron Frye

Cameron Frye costume ideaCameron Frye is Ferris Bueller’s nervous hypochondriac friend. After much persuasion, Cameron agrees to take out his father’s beloved 1961 Ferrari 250 GT for a day of fun (skipping school) in the Windy City, but only with the promise that Ferris will roll back the car’s odometer, leaving no trace of the miles they will put on.

Needed Items:

  • Cameron t-shirt
  • Black suspenders
  • Khaki pants
  • Black belt
  • Black slip on shoes

Cameron Frye costume idea                    Cameron Frye costume idea

Cameron Quotes:

Then to complete the costume, try on some of Cameron’s famous lines from the movie like . . .

“Pardon my French, but you’re an asshole! Asshole!”


“Call me sir! Goddamn it!”

Costume Examples:

Cameron Frye Costume

Photo Credit: Xtina L on Flickr

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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