Jack Burton Costume, Big Trouble in Little China

Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China costume ideaWhat better excuse for an 80s mullet than Kurt Russell’s classic role in “Big Trouble in Little China.” Pulling this 80s costume together is so easy. All you need is the Fu Manchu tank from either Found Item Clothing or 80stees.com (links below), jeans, a knife and some boots. That’s it. You’ll want to be sure to tuck your jeans into your boots, otherwise you won’t be capturing the full cheese factor. Again, a mullet and a knife – nuf said. Just remember, it’s all in the reflexes. Elements for Jack Burton costume:

Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China costume idea                    Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China costume idea

Jack Burton Costume from Big Trouble in Little China

Photo Credit: Verbal Pyrotechnics

Check out some of Jack Burton’s Best Quotes from “Big Trouble in Little China”: http://youtu.be/dl-pr5iqKb4

(Jack Burton is in this outfit starting at about the 1:11 minute mark.)

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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