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Stiles from Teen Wolf 80s Costume

Everyone needs a sidekick, and Scott’s sidekick in Teen Wolf, Rupert “Stiles” Stilinski, is a classic. He’s got the verve to help Scott Howard (played by Michael J. Fox) make the most of his new-found wolfiness. His personal style and mannerisms make a fun and over the top costume for your next 80s party or Halloween. Just be careful when you hit the roof to go “Surfin USA.” This 1985 cinematic treasure doesn’t get the props it deserves. With almost 13,000 votes on, this movie averages only 5.5 stars out of 10. Ouch. Surely, the red eyes alone that enable Scott to get a keg a beer and the van surfing are worth at least 6 stars. The Stiles character is over the top and so must his costume be. With the statement t-shirt and the totally awesome combo of turquoise pants and red belt, you will truly be rockin’ it Stiles style. Elements for the Stiles / Teen Wolf Costume:


Watch One on One with Jerry Levine, the actor that played Stiles in “Teen Wolf”: