Like Totally 80s

80s Party Costume Ideas: Where’s the Beef?

Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?” commercials were wildly popular in the mid-eighties. The question became a catchphrase of the decade. We heard “Where’s the beef?” in political debates and saw it on t-shirts, when we weren’t hearing it on TV. Here’s one of the commercials from 1984: The outspoken granny (played by Clara Peller) on the right in the video has the look to go for. She appeared in multiple campaigns for the hamburger chain, always spouting that same question. Granny wore the same outfit every time, so it’s easy for you to copy this Halloween:

Got a beefy date, Granny? Dress him in a hamburger costume like this one or, if he balks at that, just pop a hamburger hat on his head. You’ll have a blast crooking a thumb toward him and telling people “HERE’S the beef!” at all your Halloween parties. Moms wearing the Where’s the Beef? costume can outfit their wee ones into a cheeseburger costume too. Adorable and oh-so-80s!