Like Totally 80s

Cabbage Patch Baby Costume Idea

Whoever first hit on this idea is a genius. This is the perfect 80s-inspired costume for your baby: a crochet hat that magically transforms your baby into a Cabbage Patch doll. And it’s crazy easy. Your baby just needs the wig, which happily you don’t have to make yourself (this gal on etsy does a fine job). No other costume gear is needed; they can just wear a regular outfit. If you pride yourself on costume details (and who doesn’t), you can also print up your own birth certificate and attach it to the baby’s shirt to add some authenticity and fun. To make that part of the costume super easy for you, we’ve included a blank one here (based on an authentic 1985 official certificate) for you to download.

A Brief History

While the dolls were first made in 1978, it wasn’t until 1982 when Coleco started mass production of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls that the 80s toy fad really took off. And, it REALLY took off. By Christmas 1983, otherwise nice mamas across the country were elbowing each other (and worse) to get one of these coveted dolls. By 1985, there was a breakfast cereal, CPK diapers, and a #1 rated TV show. That’s a lot of love for these yard-headed dolls. Heck, my sister even had the phone!

What You Need

Examples of the Cabbage Patch Costume

Check out these totally awesome examples of this costume in action. I particularly like the idea of incorporating the box into the costume. But, if you are lazy like me, that isn’t absolutely necessary.