A Prince Is Born

The world has been waiting in anticipation on the announcement from London of the name of the new little princess — welcome to the world Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

Living in the USA, all of the pomp and circumstance of kings, queens, princes and (sigh) princesses is all so fascinating, so regal, and so different from how we do things here. It’s so, well, royal.

Who can forget the fairytale wedding of Charles and Diana back in 1981? EVERYBODY watched them get married; it was a worldwide televised event! And of course, what followed a year later was the birth of their first child, Prince William, on June 21, 1982.

That baby in the picture is now the father to young Prince George and new Princess Charlotte.


Princess Di and Prince William

The Royal Family: Princess Diana, Prince Charles, and young Prince William

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is second in line to follow his father, Prince Charles, as the King of England; that’s a lot of pressure for a little one, don’t you think? Someday you’ll be king, baby!

The Royal Family: Princess Diana, Prince Charles, and young Prince William

Prince William was born at Saint Mary’s Hospital and his arrival was just as anticipated as George and Charlotte’s. Also just like George and Charlotte, crowds of people gathered around the hospital anxiously awaiting his arrival and finally get a first glimpse of the new born prince.

Prince William was introduced on the steps of the St. Mary’s Hospital by his parents, Charles and Diana. Prince Charles carried the newborn price down the stairs then handed him to his mum, as celebratory crowds cheered, and news reporters’ cameras flashed.

The ever-beautiful Princess Diana wore a typical 80s-smock maternity style dress, teal with white polka dots complete with a big flouncy bow and sensible flat shoes.

Prince Charles & Princess Diana leave the hospital with newborn Prince William

The world gets its first look at Prince William

Prince William meets the people of England

The little prince and his mother were extremely close, going on ski trips, playing tennis, horseback riding and travelling the world together. Even though Diana had access to a great deal of help/as many nannies as needed, she was always a very hands-on mother with both William and his younger brother, Prince Harry.

Prince William and Princess Di are inseparable        Prince William and Prince Harry enjoy a log floom ride with their mother

As Princess Charlotte is introduced, it’s lovely to think back to that day in 1982 when Charles and Di stepped out on those same hospital steps as the world welcomed a newborn prince into the world.

Author: Lori Ferraro

Lori is a writer and actor living in Portland, OR. Her website, Drawn to the 80s, is where her 5 year old draws the greatest music hits of the 1980s. She is a blogger for The Huffington Post and her own blog, Once Upon a Product, is where she writes about important things like beauty products, music, her obsession with Mick Jagger and of course...the 80s.

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