My Favorite 80s Holiday Movie Picks

Movies like A Christmas Story are such a staple at Christmas time, and other 80s holiday movies continue to get watched over and over again throughout the years, too. When it comes to a good 80s movie, I can watch them again and again. From third favorite, to first, do you agree?

Third Favorite 80s Holiday Movie

In National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation all Clark wants is the best holiday ever and family fun for everyone, so you know it’s about to be disastrous. The lights won’t light up and then movieposteronce they do, the power is out all over town.

He electrocutes the cat as well and takes out his living room windows, and family, when he tries to fit the over-sized tree into the living room. In the end, it turns out the loving, family holiday he hoped for, with a lot of comedic disasters and a lot of good old family bonding.

Second Favorite 80s Holiday Movie

Trading Places is another one that I watch every single season, sometimes more. You don’t usually leave your work holiday party in a santa suit filled with treats like smoked salmon and a flaskmovieposter full of booze. Then again, you usually don’t wave a gun around one either.

But Winthorp does and that’s not all. By the end of this movie, two could be enemies come together as friends and make millions in the process. Classic. Do this quiz and see if you know all the Trading Places facts.

First Favorite 80s Holiday Movieimages (3)

And then there’s my personal favorite, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is hands down, the best holiday-themed movie ever. This movie is a laugh a second and always gets me excited for the turkey dinner that comes at the end.

When Del leaves the beer on the vibrating bed and tries to talk is way out of it makes me crack up laughing every time. And you know who ended up sleeping in the wet spot, right?

I’ve already watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles once this year, and I can’t wait to see it again. Here’s a quiz to see how well you really know my favorite movie!

These movies are my top three but there are so many holiday movies to love. Start off with some 80s horror like The Nightmare on Elm Street, and take the quiz. Then finish with some Christmas classics, and before you know it, it’ss be Valentine’s Day. Until then, Happy Holidays!

Author: Emily Rokke

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