Valley Girl, by Frank Zappa

The song “Valley Girl” was released in May 1982 on the album, Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch, with music and lyrics by Frank Zappa and performed by his then 14-year old daughter, Moon Unit.

Frank Zappa's Ship Arrving Too Late to Save a Drowing Witch album released in 1982 included the track "Valley Girl" featuring his daughter, Moon Unit.

"Valley Girl" by Frank & Moon Zappa

Here are the video and lyrics to this wonderful song that perfectly captures the early 80s in the San Fernando Valley and the culture of Sherman Oaks Mall (featured prominently in the opening scenes of the movie Valley Girl).

Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In a clothing store
Okay, fine . . .
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In a clothing store
Like, OH MY GOD! (Valley Girl)
Like – TOTALLY (Valley Girl)
Encino is like SO BITCHEN (Valley Girl)
There’s like the Galleria (Valley Girl)
And like all these like really great shoe stores
I love going into like clothing stores and stuff
I like buy the neatest mini-skirts and stuff
It s like so BITCHEN cuz like everybody’s like
Super-super nice
It’s like so BITCHEN
On Ventura, there she goes
She just bought some bitchen clothes
Tosses her head ‘n flips her hair
She got a whole bunch of nothin in there
Anyway, he goes are you into S and M?
I go, oh RIGHT.
Could you like just picture me in like a
Yeah right, HURT ME, HURT ME . . .
I’m sure! NO WAY!
He was like freaking me out . . .
He called me a BEASTIE . . .
That’s cuz like he was totally BLITZED
He goes like BAG YOUR FACE!
I’m sure!
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Okay, fine . . .
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
So sweet ‘n pure
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
So sweet ‘n pure
It’s really sad (Valley Girl)
Like my English teacher
He’s like (Valley Girl)
He’s like Mr. BU-FU (Valley Girl)
We’re talking Lord God King BU-FU (Valley Girl)
He’s like so GROSS
He like sits there and like plays with all his rings
And he like flirts with all the guys in the class
It’s like totally disgusting
I’m like so sure It’s like BARF ME OUT . . .
Gag me with a spoon!
Last idea to cross her mind
Had something to do with where to find
A pair of jeans to fit her butt
And where to get her toenails cut
So like I go into this like salon place, y’know
And I wanted like to get my toenails done
And the lady like goes, oh my God, your toenails
Are like so GRODY
It was like really embarrassing
I’m like sure . . .
She goes, uh, I don’t know if I can handle this,

y’know . . .
I was like really embarrassed . . .
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
And there is no cure
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
And there is no cure
Like my mother is like a total space cadet (Valley Girl)
She like makes me do the dishes and (Valley Girl)
CLEAN the cat box (Valley Girl)
I am sure
That’s like GROSS (Valley Girl)
BARF OUT! (Valley Girl)
OH MY GOD (Valley Girl
Uh-huh (Valley Girl)
My name?
My name is Ondrya Wolfson (Valley Girl)
Uh -huh
That’s right, Ondrya (Valley Girl)
Uh -huh . . .
I know (Valley Girl)
It’s like . . .
I do not talk funny . . .
I’m sure (Valley Girl)
Whatsa matter with the way I talk? (Valley Girl)
I am a VAL, I know
But I live in like in a really good part of Encino so
it’s okay (Valley Girl)
So like, I don’t know
I’m like freaking out totally
Oh my God!
Hi – I have to go to the orthodontist
I’m getting my braces off, y’know
But I have to wear a retainer
That’s going to be really like a total bummer
I’m freaking out
Like those things that like stick in your mouth
They’re so gross . . .
You like get saliva all over them
But like, I don’t know, it’s going to be cool, y’know
So you can see my smile
It’ll be like really cool
Except my like my teeth are like too small
But NO BIGGIE . . .
It’s like TUBULAR, y’know
Well, I’m not like really ugly or anything
It’s just like
I don’t know
You know me, I’m like into like the clean stuff
Like PAC-MAN and like, I don’t know
Like my mother like makes me do the dishes
It’s like so GROSS . . .
Like all the stuff like sticks to the plates
And its like, it’s like somebody elses food, y’know
It’s like GRODY . . .
I’m sure
It’s like really nauseating

Author: Pia Sooney

Just a little obsessed with all things 80s, Pia still has her Swatch, her cassette tape collection, and her Converse Chucks. When not making friendship pins or listening to Depeche Mode, she runs a web design business.

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