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80s Party Costume Ideas: Mullet Man

Business Up Front . . . Party in the Back

As the name implies, the key to this 80s costume is the hair. Once you have that covered, you are sure to be boss, Haus. Assuming you don’t actually have a mullet (please say you don’t!), you will need a wig. You can go here to get your mullet on. If you’re really lucky, you might find a hot little Mall Rat that just can’t wait to run her fingers through your mane event. Other elements to round out this gnarly 80s costume include:

Photo Top Right: Oops, this Mullet Man forgot his black muscle tee – SWEET! Or, you can take a different approach to the mullet costume, because let’s face it, the mullet was everywhere and worn by lots of different kinds of guys in the 80s.  You can go for the 80s sports mullet look, famously championed by Andre Agassi.  Just add a headband, wear tennis clothes, and carry a tennis racquet.