Like Totally 80s

Halloween Costume Idea – Watts from Some Kind of Wonderful

When I think back to 80s movies that featured really awesome strong female characters, I’m happy that so many great ones come to mind. Think back to our heroine Andie in Pretty in Pink who planned on going to prom alone because she wanted to let them know that they didn’t break her. Or JoBeth Williams fighting otherworldly spirits to bring her daughter back in Poltergeist, or Sigourney Weaver kicking ass in in Aliens or Madonna in all her Madonna glory in Desperately Seeking Susan. And then there’s this rockin’ 80s female movie character: she’s strong, she’s smart, and she’s sometimes overlooked (much like her character in the movie), and I don’t know why because she rocked. Besides Sheila E., Watts from Some Kind of Wonderful is my favorite female drummer from the 1980s. Some Kind of Wonderful was released in 1987, written by our hero John Hughes, and directed by Howard Deutch. Being a John Hughes movie the film was naturally set in high school, with Eric Stoltz playing wrong-side-of-the-tracks-kid Keith, who gets all brave and asks out Amanda, the most popular girl in school played by Lea Thompson. Keith’s good friend Watts, played by Mary Stuart Masterson, realizes she wants to be more than just friends once he starts showing interest in Miss Amanda Jones. I like this movie a lot. It’s kind of Pretty in Pink-esque; except this time the two misfits end up together. Besides being a strong female character Watts just has such great style.

And she had one of the best let-me-make-sure-you’re-a-good-enough-kisser-to-make-out-with-the-girl-I-don’t-want-you-to-make-out-with scenes in a movie: If you have a pair of drum sticks and a few key pieces, you can easily put together your own Watts costume this year for Halloween or an upcoming 80s party. It’s easy, comfortable, and SO 80s. Here’s what you’ll need:

And, this is key:

Accessories can include some black Ray-Bans and maybe a fashionable dog tag necklace. And the drumsticks – you need the drumsticks!

Such an easy costume and such a great character, everyone will truly think you are some kind of wonderful (sorry I had to do that. . .) when you walk in the door.