Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From ‘The Breakfast Club’

The Breakfast Club

Over thirty years ago, five high school students, all from different background and social circles, showed up to their high school on a Saturday morning to serve detention. After some incredible soul searching, a lot of arguing, laughing and dancing — the five emerged as unlikely friends after eight hours stuck in a library.

The Breakfast Club is the quintessential movie on teen life and the film’s themes and issues are still as relevant now as they were in 1985. Not only young adults, but even grown men and women, can learn a great deal from the John Hughes classic. There are more than a few lessons in the movie about how to be an adult — no matter your age.

It’s Healthy To Hang With Different Groups

Friends are, and hopefully always will be, friends but it’s a smart idea to branch out and mingle with different social circles. It will make a guy more universally well-like. It will cause a man to evolve. It opens a man’s eyes up to different worlds.

Jocks, princesses, stoners and nerds,The Breakfast Club proved that even though the world tries to shoehorn people into different classes and social circles, we’re all just people trying to navigate this screwed up thing called life.

Learn How To Make An Entrance

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You also never get a second chance to enter a room. Sure, you could walk in and out of the doorway like you’re OCD, but people will only remember the first time you stepped into the room. Making an entrance is important because it tells the story of the type of man you are — either the type that commands a room or the type who sits in the back and allows others to dominate the situation.

Though this wasn’t Bender’s initial entrance (it was also rather memorable) this scene did tell a great deal about his character — bold, daring, and willing to crawl through a ceiling just to prove no one can keep him locked up for long.

It’s Important To Stand Up for Others

A person has to stand up for others in certain situations. Even if it means possibly getting his face smashed in the process.

Andrew barely knows Claire, and he certainly doesn’t know what a nut job like Bender is capable of, but it doesn’t stop him for standing up for her.

It’s Not What You Say, But How You Say It

Often, people feel the need to resort to offensive language to prove a point but once a guy let’s an “F bombs” fly he loses all credibility. It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

Bender proves this point in one of his many altercations with Principal Bender. Would “eat my shorts” really offend anyone? Not likely, but coming from Bender it sounds like the most offensive phrase ever uttered inside the walls of Shermer High School.

Everyone Needs A Mantra

Think of all the most important and influential people in life and one of the first things that springs to mind is an expression or catchphrase. Successful men know sometimes it’s acceptable to speak in catchphrases.

Principal Vernon’s catchphrase probably lasted around the high school long after he retired.

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Author: Chris

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