You’re Such a Bow Head!

You’re Such a Bow Head!

By Julie Anderson So, what was a bow head, exactly? In mid-eighties parlance, it meant a girl who wore a huge bow in her hair. Since hair was generally pretty big in the 1980s, no demure little hair clip would work; we needed hair accessories that would stand up to our perms and teasing. It was a preppy look in general, although there were edgier deployments of the hair bow. Bows in general were huge (literally AND figuratively) in...

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Sun-In: Sun-Kissed 80s Hair

Sun-In: Sun-Kissed 80s Hair

It wasn’t enough to have a deep, dark tan in the 1980s. Especially in the summer, we wanted our hair to look sun-ravaged as well. Sure, there were professional highlights you could get at a beauty salon, but it was a lot cheaper to go the DIY route. Plus, it was fun to know that while you were bronzing your skin, you were getting natural, beautiful highlights in your hair. It was like MAGIC! The most popular product was Sun-In. It was...

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Ribbon Barrettes

Ribbon Barrettes

By Julie Anderson If you were a crafty girl of the early 80s, you might have produced some ribbon barrettes. Or perhaps you were the lucky recipient of a set, fashioned for you with love by someone with nimble fingers and a little free time. Maybe they were in your school colors. Maybe they were embellished with beads at the bottom. If you had them, I’m betting you wore them with pride. Like me, you probably loved the way the ribbons...

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4 Great Ideas for Perfect 80s Hair

4 Great Ideas for Perfect 80s Hair

The 80s was a decade known for its style. Fashion was fun, playful, big, bold, and wild, and the hairstyles were no different. If you’re interested in capturing the whimsy and fun of 80s style for yourself, then there’s no better way to do it than with your hair. Whether you want to make a total change or just go all out for a costume party or an event, it’s easy to capture the spirit of the 80s by experimenting with your hair. Go to...

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The Mullet

The Mullet

Mullets may have received a bad rap through the decades, but back in the day . . . oh . . . so dreamy. John Stamos put the Hot Hot Hot in mullets in the mid-80s, giving the rocker-turned-redneck style enough oomph to achy breaky its way into the next decade. But nine out of ten valley girls agree, a man who can really pull off the mullet look is a bad to the bone stud-o-rama. Like, totally. Imagine the scene. You still have 45 minutes...

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