The Nightmare on Elm Street, Review and Quiz

The Nightmare on Elm Street, Review and Quiz

Freddy Krueger might be the first of the horror guys I have seen, and I have to say, he’s pretty creepy. And the thought that he just came to kill during dreams is terrifying. The Nightmare on Elm Street is unlike the others I have seen in that it truly has that menacing, unsettling factor as you watch it. First of all, I “sleep through” my fair share of nightmares. If I remember dreaming,  9/10 times it’s a...

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These Classic 80s Horror Movie Logos Don’t Seem As Scary In Comic Sans

These Classic 80s Horror Movie Logos Don’t Seem As Scary In Comic Sans

Comic sans is a horror to designers. It’s an ugly font and usually the most commonly used when people just have no idea how to create a graphic. It’s ugly. It’s so ugly, it can even make these classic 80s horror movie logos look scarier. Not like “boo” scary but like “oh, that’s tough to look at” scary. [via Buzzfeed] Follow Like Totally 80s On: FACEBOOK |...

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80s Horror Matchup: The Shining V.S. Poltergeist

80s Horror Matchup: The Shining V.S. Poltergeist

The timeless era of the 80s was home to some pretty classic horror films that even in present day would scare your pants off. We decided to take two of the most iconic horror films of the 80s and pin them against one another. This time around we have The Shining and Poltergeist, two classic films that contain spine-chilling suspense and enough horror to give you nightmares year-round. (Poll Below) The Shining Here’s Johnny!...

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Top 5 Movies That Freaked Me Out As A Kid

Top 5 Movies That Freaked Me Out As A Kid

By Ryan Zimmerman Ryan here—back with my weekly Top 5. This week, Top 5 Movies that freaked me out as a kid—enjoy!   5. Child’s Play Picture this . . . you are a child. You are around dolls a lot. Now, you see a movie that shows dolls killing people. Having an ounce of imagination only leads a kid to believe that their beloved LambChop doll could turn into a Lamb “Chop you up doll.” Then, the movie shows you that if you confide...

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