Like Totally 80s

Michael Jackson Costume Ideas

Michael Jackson took the world by storm in the 80s with his infectious music, amazing mini movie music videos, and unprecedented dance moves (see the How to Moonwalk tutorial video below). Everyone wanted to be as cool as Michael. And then . . . well, here at Like Totally 80s, we prefer not to focus on the “and then.” So, if you wanna be startin’ something by donning a Michael look, you’ll be the “Thrill-er” of the party. To read more about MJ and to see some then and now pictures of him, go to our Famous People of the 80s page.

Michael Jackson Costume Elements:

Michael Jackson seen here rockin’ out with David Lee Roth.

Now just work on your spins and moonwalk. Then you’ll be so “Bad” that everyone will want to “Rock with You!” To get you started off on the right foot (sorry for the wretched pun), we have included the following very helpful tutorial on moonwalking (with airwalking thrown in for good measure).

How to Moonwalk: