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Halloween Costume Idea: Claire from “The Breakfast Club”

Molly Ringwald was the queen of 80s teen movies – the leader of the (brat) pack in my book. She got her start acting on The Facts of Life in the late 70s and early 80s and went on to become John Hughes’ muse, starring in such hits as “Sixteen Candles,” “The Breakfast Club,” and “Pretty in Pink.” The ultimate 80s teen icon – why not dress up as one of her movie characters this Halloween?

In “The Breakfast Club,“ she played Claire Standish, a change from the usual relatable/down to earth “every girl” character we were used to. Claire was a popular, spoiled little rich girl who ends up serving detention all day on a Saturday because she got caught skipping class so she could (naturally) go shopping.  During her time in detention Claire (the princess) learns a little something about her fellow students – a brain, an athlete, a basket case, and a criminal. The group spends the day talking, arguing, dancing and spilling their deepest, darkest secrets to each other. Once the walls start to come down, Claire is able to bust out of her snooty mold and let people in on who she really is. She treats Allison to a makeover and falls for John Bender, giving him one of her diamond earrings at the end of the film.


Elements to the Claire Costume

To become Claire, you may be able to grab a few pieces that you already have from your closet. Here’s what you’ll need:

Accessories can include Ray-ban sunglasses, a white little neck scarf and a sushi bento box.

Be prepared to act all snooty, give away a single earing and show off your “special skill” on Halloween night:

Halloween is on a Friday this year. Where will you be reporting at 7:00 the next morning?