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80s Time Capsules

There’s nothing better than cracking open a time capsule and reminiscing about times gone by, especially when it’s all about the 80s! Each yearly capsule provides lots of information — nuggets on the good, the bad, and the ugly of history & politics, music, movies, television, sports, people who died and people who were born. So dive on in, remember the totally bodacious 1980s, and maybe even learn something new!


 The MTV Decade Review

At the end of the 80s, MTV did a year by year decade review where they interlaced current events and popular music with artist interviews in which they talk about what was happening for them in that year.  It is very interesting and anyone looking for an overview of the major happenings of the decade will love this.  It’s an hour and a half long, so grab a Tab cola and sit back and enjoy.